Anne Marie Miller’s Response to David Platt’s Mishandling of the Scott Wood’s Situation at McLean Bible

This blog told the story of Anne Marie Miller and Mark Aderholt and how David Platt responded to it. Recently it told the story of Scott Woods, a volunteer who allegedly groomed teenagers in The Rock Ministries at McLean Bible for planned sexual abuse. McLean Bible badly mishandled it and in their communications refused to identity Scott Woods to the church community thus opening up more people to abuse. Plus David Platt has not acknowledged the situation at all. Anne Marie Miler commented on it on Twitter the other day and I wanted to preserve and document that as it links both stories and David Platt.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Martin Luther King

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

Thomas Jefferson

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,

Philippians 1:9-10 NIV 

This blog has written about Anne Marie Miller’s story with Mark Aderholt and how the Southern Baptists let a sexual predator go. Anne’s story reinforces how the Southern Baptist Convention has a massive problem with child sex abuse and how to deal with alleged offenders. You can read Anne Marie Miller’s story in, “Anne Marie Miller’s Alleged Sexual Abuse by Mark Aderholt, and Did the Southern Baptist’s International Missions Board Cover it Up? Plus David Platt’s Response” , “A Closer Look at Derek Gaubatz the General Counsel for the International Missions Board. Does “Religious Freedom” Mean the Right for the Southern Baptists to Cover Up Sexual Assault?” , “What Does the IMB Scandal with Mark Aderholt Mean for David Platt and McLean Bible?” and “Writing About an Email Exchange with Anne Marie Miller in December of 2015 When Reviewing Cru’s (Formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) Christmas Conferences.” That last bog post actually supported Anne Marie Miller’s narrative as I had an exchange with her several years ago.

The other day this blog wrote about the Scott Wood’s incident at McLean Bible. Scott Woods, an adult volunteer groomed a teenager for planned sexual abuse. He was calculating and because of his understanding of law knew how to work the system to his advantage. Couple that with the challenges in Virginia’s statute of limitations law and you have something deeply dark. McLean Bible badly mishandled it and worked to cover it up. In all the correspondence that McLean Bible sent out, not once did they mention Scott Wood’s name, You can read the story in, “How David Platt Never Learned From the Mark Aderholt Situation. The Disturbing Story of how McLean Bible Mishandled Scott Woods, an Alleged Predator in The Rock Ministries.”

I tweeted the story to Anne Marie Miller since she also dealt with David Platt and you can see her response below. Disheartening is how she describes it. Indeed, its very disheartening that David Platt and the leadership of McLean Bible can’t address this situation. Something does need to change and that is the business model that places more emphasis on following attorney’s guidance and doubling down instead of admitting errors.