The Wondering Eagle’s History with McLean Bible Church

A brief post on The Wondering Eagle’s history with McLean Bible Church here in the Washington, D.C. area. Recalling my involvement in Frontline and different pastors and my Global Impact Mission Trip to the United Kingdom in 2007. 

“Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.

Corrie Ten Boom 

“Memories, all those little experiences make up the fabric of our lives and on balance, I wouldn’t want to erase any of them, tempting though it may be.”

Ben Affleck    

So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

Hebrews 10:35-36 NLT 

2007 most of Team England on a day off exploring London. 

In 2005 I moved to the Washington, D.C. area from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I was looking for a church. I heard about McLean Bible (MBC) and attended their Sunday night service that was called Frontline. From 2005 until 2009 I was deeply involved in Frontline and attended Sunday night service regularly. I heard Lon Solomon preach, as well as Will Pavone, Todd Philips, John McGowan, and yes I was yelled at by Justin Pearson when I raised concerns about the small group program. Am I surprised that Justin Pearson leads an Acts 29 church in Fairfax, Virginia? Nope..he’s a Mark Driscoll wanna be. But I attended McLean Bible frequently and if I were to guess I would state that over 4 years I probably attended 200 services, plus I also did retreats as well. I attended several retreats at Rockbridge. I also attended a retreat up near the Maryland/Delaware border as I recall. While I also did a couple of Bible studies through MBC as well. Plus, I was on the 2007 United Kingdom Mission working with South Asians in Southall.  I learned about India-Pakistan culture, and did evangelism, did church planting and had some cultural experiences as well. The picture up above is one of the pictures that I have from that experience. I am to the far right in the back. The email inviting me onto the Frontline Missions Team is below. 


As we just discussed on the phone, Rebekah and I have prayed and really feel strongly about your growing walk as a Christ-follower, your interesting geo-political perspective, and your willingness to step out and engage in service to God. Accordingly,  we are truly excited to offer you a position on the Global Impact  England  2007 Mission!

We look forward to getting to know you better and are excited you are joining our team—a team that you can be confident will grow in community as we seek to wholeheartedly serve Christ in the South Asian communities of West London!

Moreover, as your male leader, I can confidently commit to you we will be growing as Christian men, indeed, as valiant warriors for the King—shaping our lives in obedience to Christ in a true Proverbs 27:17 manner and learning how to also best serve our sisters-in-Christ!

Rest assured, this will be an amazing opportunity to exercise your faith and grow as a Christian and engage in community; and we are elated to hear you are excited about serving Christ on this mission for His purpose! Welcome to the team!

I write all this to show my history and story with this church. I share all this so that people can’t be able to say that I was not involved. I make this information available because in the next post I am going to explain why David Platt needs to be rejected by McLean Bible. 

One thought on “The Wondering Eagle’s History with McLean Bible Church

  1. Pingback: The Theological Coup Taking Place at McLean Bible and Why The Wondering Eagle is Calling for David Platt to be Rejected for the Health of the Church | Wondering Eagle

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