Wade Burleson Passionately Defends Alleged White Nationalist Judd Blevins in Enid City Council Race. Blevins Allegedly Represented Oklahoma in the 2017 Neo-Nazi March and Riot in Charlottesville, Virginia

The alleged representative of Oklahoma at the neo-Nazi/white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017 is running for Enid City Council. His alleged ties to white nationalists have created controversy in which the local newspaper Enid News & Eagle have explored. Wade Burleson the former Southern Baptist pastor at Emmanuel Enid entered into the controversy and has been defending Judd Blevins while attacking the press, engaging in disinformation and downplaying the links to Charlottesville.


Enid Council candidate Jason Blevins allegedly before going to Charlottesville neo-Nazi riot.

If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.
1 John 4:20-21 ESV


How a female left Identity Evropa

This morning I thought this blog would be working on a post about the newest developments with Mark Driscoll. But Wade Burleson kind of bumped that to the back burner. This post is going to be exceptionally troubling, and this blog predicts that the spiritual abuse blogging community which platformed Wade Burleson for years will continue to practice cognitive dissonance with the latest troubles when it concerns Wade. Before I start let me spend some time explaining a city council candidate in Enid, white nationalism and alleged links to the 2017 neo-Nazi riot in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Who is Judson Blevin’s and His Alleged Ties to the White Nationalist Movement

Judson or Judd Blevins is a native of Enid, Oklahoma who served in the United States Marine Corps. He went to Kremlin-Hillsdale high school in Kremlin, Oklahoma which is just north of Enid. He graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University. Judd also served in the United States Marine Corps in Iraq and worked in his father’s roofing business in Enid. His family has deep roots in Oklahoma and were a part of the 1893 land rush. Blevin allegedly became involved in white nationalist movement at some point, this blog does not know when. The organization Judson allegedly supported and helped recruit for was Identity Evropa where he allegedly became the state recruiter inside Oklahoma. Identity Evropa was founded in March of 2016 by Nathan Damigo. The techniques that Damigo would later use at Charlottesville were tested at the University of California – Berkley. Identity Evropa is known for coining the phrase “You will not replace us” which became the main chant at Charlottesville. Identity Evropa praised Adolf Hitler and wanted to see the “Nazifaction of America.” The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League consider it a hate group or a terrorist organization. Eventually Identity Evropa shut down and is now defunct, but many of its members are in the rebranded American Identity Movement.  However, that does not mean that white nationalists or neo-Nazis are not a problem. If you want to read more about Identity Evropa you can read the following articles.

  1. U.S. News and World Report, “Identity Evropa Elicits Concern on Campus.
  2. NPR, “White Supremacist Propaganda At ‘Record-Setting’ Levels, ADL Report Finds.
  3. WHSV, “White supremacist group hangs propaganda at local universities.


Heather Heyer was killed in Charlottesville demonstration by a neo-Nazi who used a car as a weapon.

The Charlottesville Neo-Nazi Riot and Blevin’s Alleged Involvement According to Right Wing Watch

The neo-Nazi riot in Charlottesville was one of the most troubling white nationalist event in years. It was attended by neo-fascists, Klansman, militias, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists who came from all over the United States. The goal with these groups was the unify the fringe and defend a Robert E Lee statue that was standing in a Charlottesville location. In trying to control the event the Virginia governor declared a state of emergency but violence did take place. At 1:45 in the afternoon of August 12, Heather Heyer was killed and 35 injured when Alex Fields Jr drove into a crowd of people using his car as a weapon.

Independent news outlet Unicorn Riot obtained some leaked chat logs of alleged white supremacists and neo-Nazis and released them about four years ago. A quick admin note, if you go into the chat logs which this blog is linking to, you need to be careful. You can download malware, spearfishing, and other malevolent viruses or IP tracers. After the release of the chat logs, later on Right Wing Watch then wrote a story about Judd Blevins in March of 2019 called, “Identity Evropa’s Oklahoma Coordinator: Judson Blevins.” Judson Blevin was allegedly thrilled about attending Charlottesville and representing Oklahoma in the neo-Nazi/white nationalist event. According to the chat logs of Judson, who allegedly went by “Conway“, this is what he said about 2017 upcoming event before it happened. “DAMN I’M GETTING EXCITED IS IT AUGUST 12TH YET???!!!” In the chat logs he described how he was going to be one of four or five people from Oklahoma to represent Oklahoma, and have the original flag as well. And before the Charlottesville riot he allegedly said the following. “I JUST CANT FEEL SAFE IF IM NOT PACKING AN AR WITH A 100 ROUND DRUM AND SPORTING MY SWASTIKA ARMBAND.” Blevins allegedly participated and you can see pictures of him being involved here and here. You can read more about Jason Blevin’s alleged involvement in Charlottesville, or people from Oklahoma  in the following articles.

  1. Raw Story, “Identity Evropa’s Oklahoma Coordinator: Judson Blevins.
  2. News 9, “Events In Charlottesville Reverberate With OK’s Violent Racial History.

Candidate Blevin and an Enid News & Eagle Article About his Alleged White Nationalists Links

Late last year Judd Blevins declared that he was a candidate for the Enid city council. He’s a candidate for Ward 1. According to his website his platform is attracting business, fiscal responsibility and improved infrastructure. You can check out his website here. According to a Enid website the election is scheduled for February 14, 2023. But on January 7, the local newspaper Enid News & Eagle published an article about Judd Blevin’s alleged connections to white nationalist movement. The article was written by police and court reporter Kelci McKendrick. The article Kelci wrote is called, “City candidate accused of white nationalist ties.” The newspaper requested a statement from Judd Blevins and he attacked the news site as a leftist George Soros outlet. “I think we can all see this for what it is, a hit piece posted four years ago by a George Soros funded leftist outlet,” Blevins said in the statement. “This is the same outlet that has attacked Governor Kevin Stitt for expressing his Christian faith. They were smears then and they are smears now. The labels applied to me are the same applied to any American who speaks out against the ruling liberal establishment. I am proud to have served this country honorably and defended our rights in the United States Marine Corps. I am absolutely opposed to the erasure of America’s history and heritage.” Others in Enid are aware of the issues with Judd and have seen the Right Wing Watch article. Jerry Allen who is being challenged by Blevins was shocked to see the connections to an alleged white nationalist movement. Ward 2 incumbent Derwin Norwood told the Enid News & Eagle in response to the Right Wing Watch article about Blevins alleged white nationalist ties, “There is no place for it. We’re all created equal in the image and likeness of God, and the most important opinion is His. We, as human beings in this world, in this Earth — He put us here together to love one another, to accept one another and to help take care of one another.” And then Wade Burleson stepped into the controversy to defend alleged white nationalist Judd Blevins. But first to read more about the election go to the following news articles.

  1. Enid News & Eagle, “City candidate accused of white nationalist ties.
  2. Raw Story, “Former Identity Evropa state coordinator runs for city council in Oklahoma.

Wade Burleson Publicly Attacks the Enid News & Eagle, Defends Blevin and Allegedly Entertains Threats to Enid City Employees

On January 8, in response to a Sunday article about Judd Blevins in the Enid News & Eagle, Wade Burleson went to the Facebook page of the newspaper and chewed them out. He downplayed the alleged neo-Nazism, said that Blevins goes to church and that he was a Marine who should be respected. In the comments Wade Burleson also allegedly intimidated Enid City employees warning of what could could happen if Blevins became their boss. He attacked People for the American Way and in the process went off about Marxists. In the comments he frequently attacked the local newspaper as “yellow journalism” and just dismissed the claims made about Blevins and Charlottesville, and ignored the the alleged pictures of Blevins in the neo-Nazi march/riot. For this post I tool a lot of screen shots but there were some challenges that I had. So I inserted a couple of words that Wade said that were accidentally cut off.

Screenshot_20230113-085743_Facebook (1)



RIGHT WING WATCH compared me to











                                                And then in another thread Wade Burleson responds to screenshots of Blevin’s chats obtained by Unicorn Media.





Has Wade forget what a military veteran did in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995?

Closing Thoughts to Wade Burleson’s Behavior

I have to admit that this blog which has low expectations of Wade Burleson was shocked to see him defend someone who allegedly participated in the Charlottesville neo-Nazi riot and event. And as long as were talking about it is Wade Burleson upset that George Patten engaged in cancel culture when he crossed the Rhine in March of 1945 when the United States government was working to destroy the Nazi war machine? Judd Blevins in the view of this blog is a disgrace. And Wade Burleson defending an alleged white nationalist is even more disturbing. Literally we fought a war over Nazism and my family served in Europe in World War II. There is no justifiable reason to defend someone who has such disturbing and out of place beliefs. But it raises another question. Has Wade Burleson learned and taken in the lesson of what happened at the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City? Has he? If he did he wouldn’t have said half of the garbage on Facebook in defense of Judd Blevins.

Being a Marine does not give Judd Blevins a pass to engage in any form of alleged anti-Semitic behavior. And if someone from the USMC attended Charlottesville then he brought dishonor upon himself and the Marine Corps. This blog would suggest that Blevins lacked the character to wear the flag on his shoulder. And its not just him Wade Bulreson dishonors the Marine Corps by defending an alleged white nationalist. There are many people in the military who have committed crimes of all nature. Child pornography, espionage, militia activity, murder, sexual abuse, rape, fraud and larceny, etc…. Just consider what two members of the United States Army did in murdering 168 people in Oklahoma City? Wade makes the same mistake many evangelicals do when they dismiss abuse by saying “He’s a Christian, consider that.”

This blog believes Judd Blevins to be a danger to the peace of Enid. If Judd were a Christian and repentant of Charlottesville he would confess being there, discussed it, and exclaimed regret. But that has not happened. All that Judd has done is attack some of these press organizations. And can an atheist be right? Ask Steve Baughman who brought forward the issues with Ravi Zecharias. You can read more in, “Why the Evangelical Community in the United States Should be in Deep Gratitude to Atheist Steve Baughman.” But can an atheist organization or leader be correct on an issue? Wade shows why the Southern Baptists are so toxic. It begs the question did Wade always have these views or did he adopt so he could be more political? If Wade became anti-vaxx to run for Congress; well is he defending someone who attended a white supremacist event so he can tout his bona fides in a Senate run? Wade is a narcissist he is just out for himself. Consider him the Mark Driscoll of Oklahoma. Man the spiritual abuse blogging community should be proud of what they attached themselves to and defended. Wade is quite a work. I think that reveals how many of the spiritual abuse bloggers struggle with discernment and critical thinking skills. To the Enid News & Eagle this blog says to keep writing away and stand for truth.

20 thoughts on “Wade Burleson Passionately Defends Alleged White Nationalist Judd Blevins in Enid City Council Race. Blevins Allegedly Represented Oklahoma in the 2017 Neo-Nazi March and Riot in Charlottesville, Virginia

  1. I do remember back in the days when I commented on Wade’s blog the irony of some of his political statements being very similar to those of Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber.


    Those who betray or subvert the Constitution are guilty of sedition and/or treason, are domestic enemies and should and will be punished accordingly. It also stands to reason that anyone who sympathizes with the enemy or gives aid or comfort to said enemy is likewise guilty. I have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic and I will. And I will because not only did I swear to, but I believe in what it stands for in every bit of my heart, soul and being. I know in my heart that I am right in my struggle, Steve. I have come to peace with myself, my God and my cause. Blood will flow in the streets, Steve. Good vs. Evil. Free Men vs. Socialist Wannabe Slaves. Pray it is not your blood, my friend.


  2. Racism, fascism, white nationalism & Christian white nationalism are NOT mental illnesses. To suggest that Wade Burleson or anyone else should get mental health counseling for any of these character defects is an insult to all of us who work with our mental health issues without EVER considering any of these things. I get really tired of every problem in our culture being chalked up to mental illness, when it’s actually just being entitled jerks.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, Jack, you may have been right when you said that Wade was racist. I originally did not think that was the case, but these quotes shake me to the core: “Do you believe that a person who believes in the superiority of Western Civilzation (sic) is a racist?” “But, when it comes to identity, they seem to have a strong-held belief that American civilization, culture, the representative Republic of the U.S. government, faith in God, and the Constitution of the United States ARE supreme over all civilizations, cultures, governing documents, and systems of government.”

    I love the US. I will always love the US. But I would never claim that our country or culture is superior to every other country or culture in the world. Yes, the founding fathers were great people – but they were also very fallible men who considered women and people of color to be less than human. Ignoring that fact leads to nothing but an incorrect perception of our country’s founding, and gives the distinct impression that all of the bloviating about honoring the original intent of the founders is nothing but a cover for holding racist beliefs.

    If Judson Blevins does not publicly acknowledge and freely repent of his proven actions and words, there is no way that anyone can claim he is not a racist nor can they claim that he never held racist beliefs. I am appalled that Wade can defend someone who refuses to acknowledge his sinful actions. A person does not typically unconditionally defend someone they supposedly don’t know unless they in fact hold the same positions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ruth, I don’t take any pleasure in being right in this case.

      But on the other hand it’s good to see the devil your dealing with.

      Burleson isn’t even hiding any more.

      Hopefully the people of ward one in Enid will see the devil in their midst as well.

      But Burleson and Blevins are part of a demographic that is shrinking dramatically. When these white supremacists show up they are outnumbered by counter protesters. They’re going down.

      But how damage they’ll inflict as their influence wanes is anyone’s guess.

      Our city is due to be ground zero of clownvoy 2.0. too bad we’re heading to southeast Asia that month. it’ll be interesting to see who shows up. With COVID restrictions gone, what the protest will look like is anyone’s guess.

      The police and politicians took a drubbing over part 1 so the reception will be a lot less friendly. I think border blockades will be a non starter this time around.


  4. “Communist” “Marxist” “Leftist” “Socialist” “Activist”

    It appears as if Wade is communicating with a certain aged-yet-diminishing demographic. Wade, if you wish to remain relevant, I encourage you to update your dog-whistle vocabulary.



    • In the 2020 elections, the GOP’s official strategy (besides Trump Can Do No Wrong) was to go full-honk John Birch Society: “THE COMMUNISTS! THE COMMUNISTS! THE COMMUNISTS! THE COMMUNISTS! THE COMMUNISTS!”

      COMMUNISTS under every bed and in every closet just like WITCHES in The Burning Times. Everyone who denies the existence of the Vast COMMUNIST Conspiracy are themselves COMMUNISTS; again just like WITCHES in The Burning Times.

      Just yesterday I heard another example that these days China is always to be pronounced “COMMUNIST China” or “Chinese COMMUNISTS”. Sometimes you hear current Code Words such as “The Left”, The Libruls”, “The Global Left”, “The Radical Left”, “The Global Radical Left”, but it all comes down to “The Vast COMMUNIST Conspiracy”.

      P.S. There has been a tie-in with Real True Christianity(TM) for a LONG time. When Bircher John H Schmitz took up George C Wallace’s mantle in 1972 (Wallace’s American Independent Party), his campaign ads were in the form of Jack Chick tracts, Bible Verse Quotes/Zip Codes and all. And proto-televangelist Billy James Hargis always started his radio show (down to the Seventies) with “BILLY JAMES HARGIS – FOR CHRIST AND AGAINST COMMUNISM!


    • All those words are now code for “non white”, “non male”, “non Christian” – or not their version if Christianity.

      White evangelicals love their codes.


  5. the 2017 Neo-Nazi March and Riot in Charlottesville, Virginia

    You mean the one that was Blessed after-the-fact by Donald J Trump, The Son of Man, The Christ?

    Though my take on that Blessing is that Trump is a toddler-level Arrested Development Case and all his toddler personality could see was “They Adore Me! ME! ME! MEEEEEEEEE!”


    • This isn’t the first time this has happened in Enid. Klannish is definitely the correct word. In October of 1921 the klan paraded in Enid, Oklahoma and drove out 21 black residents under the guise of “law and order.” Their names were listed in the newspaper. The mayor at the time, William H. Ryan was sympathetic to their cause and made statements like “they left voluntarily.” If you search Google Books you will find his letter defending the actions of the Klan. In old newspapers you will find that the brave citizens of Enid threatened this mayor with violence so much that he had to carry a gun around, and he only had one term. It is the duty of the citizenry to make sure Blevins is a one termer as well if they cannot compel him to step down or change his ways. Oklahomans of conscience should converge on Enid and make their voices heard before history repeats itself and more of the population is driven out. When a city commissioner has quotes attributed to him like “Hitler would never allow this,” he is unfit to serve in public office.


      • Nazism raises its head in the most unlikely of places. Even among some indigenous leaders here in Canada there has been admiration for how Hitler ran things with a healthy dose of anti semitism thrown in.

        It’s tribal. Follow the strong leader who will restore the golden age, be it Reich, Caliphate or the real “America”.


  6. Ah if only we had settled that issue in 1945. What a wonderful world it would be. Unfortunately, the US was too soft on them, and decided to focus more on rebuilding Germany than denazification and prosecution for war crimes. Far more people were capable for the millions of people that died than were ever brought to justice. And Hitler received much of his inspiration for discriminatory laws from how this country treated its indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian population. The USA imported a bunch of Nazi scientists to work for the government in the name of anti-communism. My family also served in WWII. Until this country deals with and owns up to its own discrimination tactics and genocides, this will only get worse. This election is a symptom of a much larger problem. Instead of honoring the victims of our own racist practices this country erects statues to the perpetrators and then people like Judd feel they are fighting for a great righteous American cause to protect such things, when such passions should be used to right centuries of wrongs instead. I hate to say it but the Soviets did a better job at denazification after the war, and the Germans did a better job at reckoning with their sordid history than America has, and Americans who blindly do everything in the name of anti-communism without realizing what they’re actually fighting against fail to recognize they’re on the same side as Judd and his ilk who admire and aspire to be like one of the most murderous and hateful people in history. The reason the right wing is constantly yelling about communists is that communists, like many of our heroic ancestors who served in the military at that time, were against the fascists, and the American communists supported the civil rights movement and other movements that attempt to brings some progress to this country. But they won’t teach you that history in school. We haven’t moved on from the civil war, world war II, or the Cold War. It’s merely transformed for a new generation. And ironically that flag that Blevins was waving in the wind during the hate rally at Charlottesville was banned due to red laws. So if Oklahoma can ban communists from holding office, it is a very curious and telling thing that fascists aren’t banned as well.


    • “Soviets did a better job at denazification after the war”

      If you mean ‘kill them all and let comrade Stalin sort them out” then maybe….


      • When it comes to Nazis, I’m certainly not opposed to that tactic because ultimately it saves lives, but I’d be satisfied with their not being allowed to be in positions of power.

        They also actively prevented Nazi propaganda from being further disseminated in both the USSR and West Germany. Here it just gets a fresh coat of white paint and a new euphemism.


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