Recommended Read: Jon Steingard Tells Esquire Magazine Why He No Longer Believes in God

From Christian rock artist Jon Steingard who de-converted from Christianity gave an interesting interview with Esquire magazine. In the interview he discusses his de-conversion and the problems with faith and the Christian music industry. 

“To understand via the heart is not to understand.

Michel de Montaigne

From the Reason Rally in Washington, D.C. in 2016.

This blog has written several articles about the de-conversion of Jon Steingard of Hawk Nelson. You can see those articles in, “Christian Rock Artist Jon Steingard Has De-Converted From Christianity And No Longer Believes in God: Preserving His Letter Explaining His Journey” , “Jon Steingard’s De-Conversion and a Frank Discussion on Doubt, Evangelical Culture and Pulling the Threads of Your Sweater” and “Pastors if You Want to Keep People in the Christian Faith, This is What I Would Do…

Recently at Esquire magazine Jon Steingard gave an in-depth interview about his de-conversion. He explores the issues and problems of religion and Christian music. This is a good article to read. Its called, “Jon Steingard Fronted an Award-Winning Christian Rock Band. He Tells Us Why He No Longer Believes in God.” This blog is asking people to read that Esquire magazine article as its quite informative. 


One thought on “Recommended Read: Jon Steingard Tells Esquire Magazine Why He No Longer Believes in God

  1. In the one solid example he gave, gay marriage, it sounds like he’s not familiar with the Christian theological arguments of the affirming community.

    This reminds me of a podcast I recently listened to where Greg Boyd talks about the time when he lost his faith. For him it lasted about a year, and life was super depressing. One thing that helped him work through it was learning that his particular theological issues (Biblical inerrancy was one) were actually things that Christian theologians disagreed about, and since then he’s written a book about how the various issues in the Bible actually contribute to its reliability and value. I believe his story is fairly common: someone grows up or comes to Christ in a legalistic, fundamentalist environment, then learns that something that “has to” be true isn’t, and then their whole belief structure falls apart.

    When I have struggled, what’s always brought me back seems to be what is missing from Jon Steingard’s story: that personal touch from God, like a coincidence that wasn’t a coincidence. One time it was three sermons in a row that hit me exactly where I needed it. Every time, I guess, it’s being hit with exactly what I needed at that point.


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