An Open Letter to Blog Troll Seneca Griggs

This is an open letter to blog troll Seneca Griggs. I got an email and decided it was best to write about this blog running its course here. Yes, there are challenges, but other bloggers and people on social media are also dealing with those problems. Thanks for the email Seneca.

“I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”

George Best 



Dear Seneca-

In 1897 a journalist from the New York Journal contacted Mark Twain about rumors that he was deeply ill, or worse that he had died. Twain’s response was published in the newspaper on June 2, 1897. He said he did not know if he should be annoyed or amused. But he talked about a cousin of his in London was seriously ill for two to three weeks, but he had recovered. Twain said the following, “The report of my illness, grew out of his illness. The report of my death is an exaggeration.” 


You have been quite the troll. I will always allow you to hang around here, but your email to me the other day deserved a response. So you are getting your own blog post. You should feel honored. You wrote about how this blog has run its course. And that I have lost passion about writing. What I am actually struggling with instead is balancing the needs of a career, and a very active social life. Success in a career is good, but the downside is that a person is tasked to take on more and more. And that leads to later nights and longer days. Its also led to getting to the gym later as well. Yes, you may not know but I go and swim about 2 to 3 times a week. I do that for cardio and my doctor has also asked me to get into weight lifting as well, to build muscle mass. The last time I lifted seriously was when I played football. 

There are challenges with the internet, as I have written about them in the past. Plus I have also been in contact with other bloggers as well. But the difference between this blog and others is that I am not narcisstic where I have to be driven by aggressive stats and numbers. Other blogs fall into that territory. My reaction is “meh.” Last Saturday I grabbed a beer with someone who has a long history in evangelicalism and we met to discuss some aspects of it. And before your email popped up in my box, I was trying to figure out how to respond to several other emails. Yes, there are challenges with algorithms on Google, and I am seeking out advice. But even Warren Throckmorton who I consider to be the gold standard also struggles with some of these issues. That’s why some people have migrated to Substack, which as a platform has its own challenges. 

There are other concerns that exist. For example do blogs like this penetrate some of the scandal plagued schools, churches or ministries? That can be a post by itself in exploring cognitive dissonance. But issues like that can be more concerning. .But when I struggle with issues like that, then I get that one email by someone saying, “I read your post, and me and my family decided not to get involved.” For me that stirs the soul mightily.  And the beauty rest that this blog kept someone from a fraudulent church or ministry can’t be described in words. 

In Warren’s blogging career there have been times that he has not blogged for months, and then becomes active again. If you want to know which blogger I look up to and the one who inspires me the most its actually Throckmorton. But a number of bloggers struggle with these challenges. 

But I have an active social life in the D.C. area. Happy hours with professionals here in Washington, D.C.. Beers with friends, and the growth of friendships which comes about from this blog. I’m also active in a model railroad club which keeps me busy at least 1 to 2 weekends a month. But the point that I am saying is that I have many investments of time. While it can be a challenge to balance all of it, I have no plans to walk away from any of it. This blog is not my defining feature in life. And that is how I want it. But I also plan to carry a blog like this forward long term. But there may be some changes, as I try and figure out how to face these challenges. But its something that I am trying to find a way forward. 

And as for your suggestion to marry, I’ve also been working on that as well. There may yet be a future Ms. Eagle, who may be secular in her outlook in life. But I am also weary in dating because religion has been a painful topic. And I don’t want to be a kool aid drinker. But I thought I would send you a response in this fashion. (Grin) 

That’s it! 

David Bonner



11 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Blog Troll Seneca Griggs

  1. there’s a lot more to life than religion.

    I appreciate the articles on Christian Nationalism. Recently in our area two candidates for school trustee ran under the banner of “parents rights”. They didn’t win or even come close to winning but I don’t think I would have been in tune without reading this blog.

    so I spoke with my vote and I spoke to my neighbors. And that vote was part of stopping Christian Nationalism in my own backyard. So yeah this blog has influence.

    that being said, I’m moving into a post religion phase in my life so don’t really have a lot more to say. I’m wrapping up commenting on the only other religion blog I Read

    My comments here may few but I’ll continue to read as long as long as you’re publishing.

    can’t miss the witty repartee with old ‘Triplesix’


      • Lol. Not sure about that, there’s plenty to talk about whether I chime in or not.

        But for me, a lot of Christianity suffers from severe cognitive dissonance.

        For example, a Wade Burleson article was linked in a comments section about a breaking abuse situation in which he supported the victim, who’s a friend of his – which is cool. Read his post and could not disagree.

        but also on his blog there was a post about Taylor Swift and some other popstar “Ice Spice” or something like that making Baphomet (?) hand signals at a game or concert. To fully read that article, there’s a paywall. So yeah, Taylor Swift in league with the devil. Personally I think her songs are hell to listen to and maybe they’re popular due to a pact with Satan….but I digress.

        And with this sheer nuttiness, whether it’s anti gay hate, or anti “woke” hate, or the many other “hates” – there will be no end to the abuse – read the bible, it’s all baked in. With the talking animals, naked drunk patriarchs, flying people, and concubine a go go – it’s no wonder there’s an abuse problem because there’s also a reality problem.

        anyway, I’ve said all this before repeating it further serves very little purpose.

        i’ll just do my best with my vote.

        Peace out.


  2. Hello Jack,

    The problem (among many others) with Burleson is his selective outrage. He decries the DARVO, bullying, and silencing of his abused friend in the Robert Morris situation. Yet he goes all in on Trump and parrots/supports the DARVO, bullying, etc. of Trump and his followers with regards the civil and criminal penalties Trump faces with regards to Stormy Daniels, E. Jean Carroll, and others. It was all I could to do prevent myself from tearing him a new asshole on TWW when he started commenting in the whole Robert Morris thing.


    • Over at TWW l agree abuse is a selective outrage and used as a grievance. Abuse is horrific and wrong if it happens in a Sovereign Grace church or Mars Hill. But that is where “believe the victim” stops. When Wade Burleson put alleged domestic abuser Dinish D’Souza in a teaching position at Immanuel TWW was silent. In contrast on Twitter in the past Amy Smith has called out Wade Burleson’s hypocrisy. TWW repeated the same mistakes Mark Dever made with C.J. Mahoney. Christian nationalism is not just tolerated, but accepted in that echo chamber. I say that because it has not been written about often there as its called “politics.” That shows the blogs bias. I’ve actually lost readers because all topics are fair game. As l learned many who are opposed to the the Neo-Calvinist system are all for the culture wars and many are into Christian Nationalism and Trumpism. Over in the Mars Hill Survivor crowd a number of people who spoke out about Mark Driscoll’s bullying are ok with Donald Trump’s bullying. l dont understand it. TWW is the same way. My theory is that some of these blogs are being written by covert narcissists who use the pain of others to give themselves platforms to be in the spotlight. Its classic narcissist behavior. If TWW was absolutely opposed to abuse they would be consistent across the board, but they are not. That is their fatal flaw IMO.


      • Agreed.

        I have commented and been published (as well as others) in pushing the envelope regarding Trump’s DARVO, bullying, etc. in regards to his abuse victims and civil/criminal trials and his unnatural attraction to his daughter when she was underage. Especially as it relates to the Morris situation. One of my published comments even pointed out the hypocrisy of those Christians outraged at church sex abuse and their lack of in regards to Trump. The fact that Morris was one of Trump’s spiritual advisors made it easy (and Dee can’t really stop it without confirming to the entire blog her hypocrisy).

        Liked by 1 person

      • one of the things that triggered me on the disconnect from reality is there was a statement “thank god for (insert victim name)”

        i get the sentiments but it implies that god allowed this to happen for some purpose. And we should be thankful in some way shape or form.

        Jesus catered a wedding in Cana but did nothing in this case.

        It’s us, the humans, who act or don’t act.

        We make the mistake of assuming that because there is some common ground that automatically makes us all fellow travelers.

        as we’ve seen with Wade Burleson, that is not necessarily so.

        dinesh was given a platform, so was charlie Kirk (who was inexorably linked to Jerry Falwell – about whom there’s been much crying and gnashing of teeth)

        so while it’s great to bring these issues forward, it’s very selective.

        throw in the requisite “god be praised” and it really goes off the rails.

        this is my go to song for religion these days


      • wade’s back. Negative comments will be deleted. Stick a fork in it I’m done.

        kind of like Frazey Ford in this great tune.


  3. But then I am an equal opportunity offender. I call bullshit whenever I see it and from whatever camp shovels it. But then I am one of those odd ducks who believes the Constitution is an equal opportunity offender. IOW, if the principles of federalism in the Constitution prohibit commandeering of state agencies to enforce Federal gun laws (per SCOTUS Prinz vs. United States) then those same principles apply when the Feds try to commandeer state agencies to enforce immigration law to go after “sanctuary cities”. Which is think that both Masterpiece Cakeshop and Obergefell were decided correctly. Which I think the so-called “conservatives” and “constititutionalists” in the GOP/Trump wing either one of those.


    • Missed a letter Should be “Which I think the so-called “conservatives” and “constititutionalists” in the GOP/Trump wing NEITHER one of these


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