EFCA One 2019 Report Book

The Wondering Eagle is capturing the 2019 EFCA One Report. It is an invaluable document that gives an overview of the denomination and its ministries. I would like to break this down and study it more closely over time. 

“I think all good reporting is the same thing – the best attainable version of the truth.”

Carl Bernstein 

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4 NIV 

The document below is for the EFCA One conference in Naperville, Illinois. This report captures the activity in all EFCA Districts and ministries. It also looks at who was ordained and who left the EFCA. When it comes to writing, researching and looking at the denomination this is a valuable resource. The point of this brief post is to capture this document and add this to the blog’s archives. 
