An Open Letter to Andrew Hoffman (Multiplication Catalyst for ECFA’s Western District on Why Its Time to Admit that the Neo-Calvinist Movement Has Failed…)

An open letter to the Multiplication Catalyst of The Western District. Andrew Hoffman who is involved in The Gospel Coalition of the Bay Area gets a frank letter on why the Neo-Calvinist movement is a failure, and why its run its course. From Mark Driscoll talking about the Biblical basis of blowjobs, to C.J. Mahaney's … Continue reading An Open Letter to Andrew Hoffman (Multiplication Catalyst for ECFA’s Western District on Why Its Time to Admit that the Neo-Calvinist Movement Has Failed…)

Why Write about Church Corruption, Systemic and Systematic Issues? Lessons from the Creation of the National Park Service in 1916

The National Park Service turns 100 this month. Over a century ago a number of people had the vision, and drive to preserve national parks. They ran into difficulty, and went against the culture at the time. In time they convinced others that places like Yosemite, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and others deserved protection. Religious … Continue reading Why Write about Church Corruption, Systemic and Systematic Issues? Lessons from the Creation of the National Park Service in 1916

2015 The Wondering Eagle in Review: The Top Posts, Statistics and Feedback; In the End All I Wanted is Peace with Andrew White

An overview of The Wondering Eagle for 2015. The end results...181 posts and 54,000 people who have read. The role that this blog played in The Village Church scandal and what is happening behind the scenes. Also a review of the top posts and my favorite articles that I want to highlight. Eagle is ready for … Continue reading 2015 The Wondering Eagle in Review: The Top Posts, Statistics and Feedback; In the End All I Wanted is Peace with Andrew White

In a Pit with a Lion, Mark Batterson and National Community Church; A Personal Reflection

Today's post deals with National Community Church (NCC) and the story, history and where it is today. I retell my experience with NCC and how I left it amidst a full blown faith crisis. I also draw attention to what NCC does exceedingly well and make suggestions to improve it. I also discuss how I … Continue reading In a Pit with a Lion, Mark Batterson and National Community Church; A Personal Reflection