Having Surgery Tomorrow, May Be Out of Commission for a Few Days

This is a brief post explaining why I may be inactive for a few days. I am having some needed surgery on my jaw, that my dentist has wanted me to undergo for sometime.


Illinois Railroad Museum outside Chicago

This is a quick filler post. Tomorrow I am going to be having some surgery on my jaw by a periodontist. So I may be out of commission for a couple of days. I’m going to be on a liquid diet and then on a soft food diet. I’m not looking forward to this at all, but my dentist wants this surgery done. So if I am not active for a couple or few days that will the be the reason why.

There is a post I hoped to get up this evening but I am still writing it. So that will be done after I am back on my feet. I also want to let you know that shortly this blog is going to start writing about a church that has some problems with sex abuse. This blog was tipped off to the situation and I met with someone affected by a ministry associated by this organization. The challenge is figuring out how to write about it and build sources, and learning about the culture, church and what happened. So this post wants to make you aware of a coming story that will be written about here at The Wondering Eagle. But in the meantime wish me well on my surgery. I’ll be posting again in a few days.

7 thoughts on “Having Surgery Tomorrow, May Be Out of Commission for a Few Days

  1. Hope the surgery went well. Take care.

    Like the pic. Is the Illinois train museum worth a visit? We might be going through the area this summer.


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