Contact Information

I want to encourage discussion, plus I love to meet people, if you find yourself in the DC area and want to meet, please reach out to me. Always feel free to contact me at

38 thoughts on “Contact Information

    • I’ve had some people in the past that know who I am. They recognized my comments and situations described on other blogs. I learned this while reconciling with people. I’ve given a lot of information for people to know me…especially with prior churchs and ministries listed.


      • I’ve read your vicious expose’ on what you “think you know is best”. Helen of Troy thought she was “right” but she destroyed many lives. Hiding behind a the screen of digital media to spread more gossip and perhaps lies is NOT the Way of The Master- Jesus Christ. God knows the truth and the answer is being in a right relationship with God and praying for believers and unbelievers, NOT spreading your “grinding ax” to others.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Why thank you for the reply. I actually write this in my real name, and when I drove up to Elverson to meet with CEFC leaders they refused to talk (like Al Kimball did) and the others
        fled. Your IP address is from Phoenixville so I am guessing you are one of the family members of Stoltzfus or Estes clans. Truth is truth and that is just what it is.


  1. I find your comments on the sexual abuse issue a little odd… You happen to see a woman cussing and saying “they knew”, and you and your pastor come to the conclusion that it must be a family member of one of the victims. The incident happened three years or so years earlier and you determine that the church must be guilty of hiding something just by witnessing this? Who even knows who “they” is referring to. She could have found out her husband was having an affair or a boatload of other possible answers. You and your pastor are guilty of rushing to judge something you couldn’t know from that experience. It seems like you used it to put yourself in a story that you otherwise wouldn’t have any first-hand experience. Very negligent. I came upon your story when searching about sexual abuse in church. Your blog now has lost credibility as far as I’m concerned. There are all kinds of abuse…you are abusing the facts to create a better story…


    • Lisa, the sexual abuse scandal at Elmbrook Church in Milwaukee was known and huge. The number of people sexually assaulted was a lot. People in the Milwaukee church community felt it in nearby congregations. I did not know it happened because I moved to Milwaukee from California in 2000. The church I was a member of took in a couple of families from the incident.

      Other than that I forgive you for rushing to judgment about me. I was relaying an experience that is what I was doing. In regards to credibility its clear to me that you came here with an axe to grind. And for that claim as well I forgive you. You are free to comment as you wish I just ask that you do not go after anyone, and play nicely.


      • It seems to me that “not going after people” only applies to others going after the Eagle. You certainly have positioned yourself as the keeper of the moral code and not subject to the same criticism as those you attack. It also seems to me that you are guilty of the same rush to judgement that you accuse Lisa of but have benevolently forgiven her. How truly big of you. It is not about doing God’s work, or a man on a humble journey, it is about the Eagle making a name for himself.


  2. Hey Eagle… glad to hear about your journey back to the cross of Christ… I’m absolutely convinced, when the Church does the right thing, exposing evil/abuse (all kinds, including spiritual, and abuse of power) and bringing justice on behalf of those harmed, that many more who have walked away from their Christian faith will take another look at it… we, the Church have failed in so many ways and have far too often covered up by operating in damage control instead of doing the right thing…

    I pray, that the Church will do what is right on behalf of those who have been abused/harmed by the Church leadership! for His glory… I’m convinced that God intended for His Church to fight evil, and instead the Church has aided and abetted it in far too many ways. So together brother, we fight the enemy and his evil ways, and He asks us to start with His house… God wants us to do it, because it is eternal and meaningful, and He wired us for meaningful purpose! (and He will help us)

    I love the Warrior’s prayer…

    When it’s all said and done, and I’m standing before God, I want to be there bloodied and exhausted, worn from the fight, having given my all. I want to place at Christ’s feet a notched but still razor sharp sword, a battered shield with the Kingdom emblem faded and dull for years of use, a breastplate of righteousness scarred with deep marks from where the enemy’s attacks deflected, a shield of faith, black from the burn marks of the quenched fiery darts of the enemy, a helmet fitted snugly to keep out any doubts of salvation, any doubts that I am serving the Lord of lords, boots resoled many times with the message of peace, and a belt of truth that is as strong as when I received it. And I will turn in my battle armor for a crown of gold/beauty, and garments of praise, made with the fine linen, the righteous acts of His saints, linen worthy of His Bride, and a new name given to me by my King of kings! (author unknown)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Greetings Wondering Eagle,

    I applaud your efforts in seeking to give voice to those who have been disenfranchized (actually, worse, “abused” and “excommunicated”) by authoritarian leaders. Having spent a number of years in the Reformed Baptist world (Montville, NJ) and – after that – in other Presbyterian and Reformed circles, including the CREC (Douglas Wilson’s makeshift federation created in the 1990’s). I’ve come to see that not only are these abuse cases egregious examples of pastoral misconduct, but – in many cases – they are actually matters which grow directly out of the THEOLOGY ITSELF maintained in these settings.

    A recent example would be the cases of sexual abuse/statutory rape of a minor and pedophilia occurring at Doug Wilson’s “Christ Church” in Moscow, Idaho. In both instances, while the specific issue was not cover-up, what occurred involved the “leadership” of the church siding with abusers at the expense of both present and future victims. And of course, I commend your highlighting the grievous case of pastoral misconduct in the Elverson EV Free situation.

    Intrinsic to many of these sad cases are at least the following interrelated issues:

    1. Poor theology which conveys a distorted, authoritarian/controlling image of God (fatalistic, impersonalistic, more Zeus-like, than Christ-like, as it is only IN CHRIST that we see the true character of the Father, who dwells in an eternal communion of love and fellowship, with the Son, and the Spirit.

    2. Pastors/elders who reflect this in their own life and character, which is another way of saying, “men serving as elders who lack basic, elder maturity, and should therefore NOT be pastors/elders.

    3. The requiring of implicit faith or trust in the decision of elders, which conveys to congregants that they sustain a relationship to their elders similar to that of an infant or young child to his parents.

    4. Abuse – Abuse all around, faced by the most obvious victims, and then, on a corporate scale, as entire congregations (if they do not stand against it) become directly complicit in evil.

    5. Independency – No one is pastoring the pastors, who spuriously reason that “we are accountable to Christ, you are accountable to us.”

    Keep up the vital work you are doing brother.

    In Christ,


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Eagle, I respect your openness to criticism and ability to accept correction. I enjoyed reading your articles and found your opinions and points of views interesting and well explained. Keep it up!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello, Wondering Eagle!

    Google led me to your blog while running this query “john+piper+donald+trump”. From what I gather, you aren’t a big fan of Piper. You wrote about drinking his Kool-aid. What I don’t understand is why you are SO angry at him? First and foremost, I truly apologize for my bluntness but political correctness isn’t one of my strong suits.

    I’ve been wondering how old you were when you decided to join (or follow) John Piper’s church or put him on a pedestal because this is what you did. You took a mere flawed human being just like the rest of us and decided to blindly believe everything he said without questioning it. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a critic of John Piper, actually I like the guy. However, having left the Roman Catholic church because of human interpretations or so-called truths imposed on believers as dogma, I must admit I’m very cautious when it comes to absorbing like a sponge everything a “man of God” would say.

    Regarding John Piper’s views about cancer (, I agree with your late mother: cancer (or any sickness) isn’t a gift. Sometimes, after going through a season of trials, we can reflect on what happened to us and if our faith has grown in the meantime, then say in hindsight that our ailment was a gift. However, very often, we aren’t gonna say that at the beginning of the painful journey and we might even never come to that conclusion. We don’t all go through life experiences in the same way and we are definitely not gonna draw the same spiritual conclusions from the (seemingly) same hardships.

    Regardless of the truth or baloney contained in John Piper’s spiritual reading of being diagnosed with cancer, I still don’t know why you seem still angry with him. When you’re Christian, you’re supposed to follow Jesus-Christ and HIS teachings, not anyone else: the Pope, Luther, Calvin, Apollon and so forth. Have you ever read somewhere in the Bible, Jesus or the Apostles telling people that getting sick was a gift from God? So, what exactly, AT THAT period of your life, prevented you from questioning the common sense or the biblical, theological or godly meaning of what you were taught? I’m really trying to understand.

    When I read your 2015 post about giving the pamphlet to your mother and your 2017 commentary of Piper’s text about Trump being unqualified, I just have the feeling that it’s easier for you to be mad at Piper than to be SOLELY mad at yourself. Piper never told you to give the pamphlet to your mother nor to put him on a pedestal. You almost picture him as this guru no one can resist to and you being indoctrinated in a cult. Seriously, what number did he run on your mind at a personal level? Was it all about being young and easily impressionable? Seriously, who said everything John Piper say or does should be treated as gospel?


  6. I wrote about my own experience with the EFCA here:

    And yes, our troubles began when Neo-Calvinism came to the church. I just looked at the website for the church now; it looks like the leadership has completely changed, and now it’s gone totally off the rails. They use terms like “Passover” instead of “Good Friday” and “Firstfruits” instead of “Easter” and have draconian rules for who can be married in the church.

    Meanwhile, another EFCA plant, years after this particular church had been planted, came into town and appears to be thriving. It also seems more “normal.”

    I’m so glad we got out of that church when we did.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve not read everything, yet, but am wondering in your quest for seeking forgiveness , where are you? and have you forgiven ypurself, in other words, fully captured that Jesus took our guilt on the cross.


  8. I just read this comment you made on a post from earlier this year:

    “I have to be honest, in the course of time as I keep finding and dealing with corruption wherever I go in evangelicalism, the truth of the matter is that I will probably pass out of it and be a nothing or an atheist in the course of time.”

    Bear in mind 1 Peter 4:17 — “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”

    Don’t let the failings of the domestic church and its increasingly autocratic and unaccountable ways move you away from the faith. Look at the history in Scripture and see how men consistently serve personal agendas including accruing levels of power.

    I totally understand the frustration; look at the laments of the prophets to confirm there is nothing new under the sun. But take heart that God still hears and cares:

    Lamentations 3:21-24 — “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.”


  9. I read the your comments, CT articles and Mr Muller’s article in the daily herald. I don’t live in Chicago but I have enjoyed pastor James’ radio program. It is and always will be one of my three favorite programs. I was not aware of any of the financial allegations against Harvest Bible Church and they are troublesome, HOWEVER I have YET to find a report that states that pastor James DEFINITELY and WITHOUT a shadow of a doubt actually said those despicable things. Since when is somebody declared guilty before he had a fair trial (I always thought you are innocent until you are PROVEN guilty). And since when do reporters ONLY report truth !!!
    And what happened to Romans chapter 13:

    Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.

    This verse is not just for worldly rulers. Why is it so hard to let God sort it out in His timing.


  10. Regarding the Blairstown church article…if you wanted to visit the church, I think leaving people’s names and photos out of it would have been better? It’s like.. they sound like they were really welcoming. They trusted that you were there to join their worship, not to take pictures that would be published and write a public blog using their full names or snap a photo of them in worship. Even though nothing bad was said about them, their names are still in a story about a church with big problems. Just sayin….people should be free to worship without worrying that their photo or name could end up in a blog, or how many notes they were taking during church. Maybe they’ve been hurt too by the pastor and elders… and now they’re part of a blog with their pictures in it and nobody asked them if that was okay. whatever the problems are with the pastor and elders, the names of congregants and what they were doing during worship (and also the lack of coffee…that’s hardly part of a church’s leadership integrity)


  11. Hello Eagle, I don’t know if you are still looking for EFCA stories, but I am writing about Calvinism taking over our church recently, after we got a new dogmatic pastor. I write at and Look for the post “Letter to our elders regarding Calvinism growing in our church” and “Predestination Manipulation” to see the kinds of stuff this new pastor says. I would provide links, but can’t do it on my tablet. God bless!


    • No l am not Eddie Cole. I am an independent researcher who writes about atheism, doubt, Neo-Calvinism and the EFCA. You can email Eddie Cole at the Eastern District website. Thanks for the comment.


  12. you should check out the church behind regal cinema in sterling and articles in the loudoun times, washington post, and channel 9 news clip.


  13. Dear Howard Hilliard and Wondering Eagle,

    I discovered your post on Stephen Hicks website addressing Calvinism. So I thought you might be interested in an excerpt from my commentary on Calvin:

    Three Leaves just like a real Tulip has Three Petals (Not Fake Five)
    By James Sundquist

    The Synod of Dort that launched TULIP couldn’t even count.  A Tulip  has only 3 petals not 5 (even ULIP is only 4).  Holland sells 1.5 billion tulips a year and there was not one wise among them that would stand up in the council or ever sense and say “Wait a minute, a tulip has only 3 petals, so why are creating a fake flower acronyms of 5 points in TULIP?”  If you are going to practice numerology or magic arts, at least get your figures right. So forget the Apostle Paul’s warning about myths, let’s press on a perpetuate this myth until the Lord comes! And forget Liberty in Christ, that Paul declared. Th only difference between Communism and Calvinism is one is Atheist but both are Absolute Power which corrupts absolutely! Totalitarianism must reign and Truth is disposable!

    About three years ago after purchasing our house, after spending hundreds of hours restoring the interior, we went to work restoring the property and grounds surrounding the house. One of the projects involved removing all of the brush, weeds, and poison ivy. We even brought in a professional landscaper and crew to clear and haul away all of the debris. But even after all of this work and expense, there were still patches of poison ivy in various places and on the adjoining properties. So I went to Home Depot to get advice. They told me to get this chemical that you have to spray on the leaves. Then you have to wait a number of days for the leaves to change color, turn brown, dry up, and eventually shrivel away. This would purge our property of this threat. The poison ivy was easy to identify because of the three leaf clusters, I learned when I was a kid growing up by the woods in Oregon. Don’t be fooled by this lethal trinity. There it was poison oak.  Some weeks later my daughter had a friend from school come and visit her. They played in the yard and hid in the bushes for fun. But one of these bushes had poison ivy growing inside of the bushes, not readily detectable. At the time, I was not concerned that the kids were playing in back yard. After all, I had cleared out any danger of poison ivy, right? A few days later her face turned red and starting itching horribly. She was in agony. So we took her to the doctor and got her a prescription of Prednisone. She eventually healed, but not without a great deal of torment. This reminded of what happened to my mom when I was growing up. We had chopped down all of the poison oak in the woods across the street from our house. We gathered all together and made a big bonfire. (Back then burning was allowed). My mom was not even involved in the cleanup or gathering of the poison oak to burn. She was just standing nearby cheering the family on and giving us all moral support. But the smoke from the fire started blowing around her and towards her face. And like with our daughter, no one was really concerned or wary, even though we all had an almost reverence for how wicked poison oak is. Well a few days later her face and neck became as red as a radish and her whole head swelled like a basketball. My father was a physician and immediately knew that this was an emergency and took her to the hospital and gave her Penicillin and antibiotics. She was in great misery and we all felt for her as her beautiful face was all distorted and she was in anguish. She almost died. It was a close call. So I am very familiar with this evil.

    Back to our home. One day, weeks later, thinking all of the poison ivy had been eradicated, I went down to remove the remaining weeds and roots still sticking out of the ground. The hoe had poison ivy oil on it because it was on my gloves. But thank God we remembered to scrub down the hoe. I even had gloves on and a long sleeve shirt for protection. But while pulling, digging, and hoeing roots were sticking out of the ground, one root sprang loose and grazed my wrist…it didn’t hurt and I didn’t even see a mark. I didn’t think anything of it…just thought it was an ordinary branch…and thank God it was removed so that the entire yard looked great now. It appeared to be safe for habitation, friends, and fellowship. But it was NOT an ordinary branch, rather it was one of the remaining roots of the subterranean poison ivy network. There was nothing the naked eye could see to cause any alarm, even with my expert knowledge of identifying poison ivy. Days later a nasty rash broke out on that very place on my wrist and got worse by the day, that itched so badly, I wanted to claw my arm off. Brother Jimmy at church, who also once had a nasty battle with poison ivy, gave me some medicine to clean and help the itching and burning. It was very helpful. And I was very grateful for this gift. But the pain and suffering did not disappear immediately. But how could this have happened? I was so sure this dangerous threat to my family and friends and clients that visit our house, was over. Boy was I wrong. Scripture warns us that you can’t get figs out of a thorn bush. The reason is that the tree or vines can only produce what the roots are:

    “For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.” Luke 6:44

    It does not matter how much you till, water, fertilize, or kiss (I pray that you don’t kiss the leaves) the roots, it will ONLY produce poison ivy. It will NEVER produce fruit that is good.
    Though these are all true stories, they are also a parable of what has happened to the church with the root system of Sovereign Grace Ministries, 9Marks Ministries, the Gospel Coalition, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Ecumenism, Emerging Church, and Old Calvinism (John Calvin), Reformed Theology, and New Calvinism. The root system of Sovereign Grace Ministries is the shepherding movement. The root of Calvinism is Theocracy. Combine the two, you have a demonic alloy of two metals that are even stronger when these principalities are combined. My term for this bondage and abuse of spiritual authority.  Poison ivy must come. But failure to heed the warning signs is a dereliction of duty of the watchman and steward, to be once informed and then do nothing. But it is even worse to then blame the messenger for sounding the alarm and defaming that person’s good name and reputation. So who is really the one who “troubleth his own house”? The one who removes the roots of the poison ivy, or the one who refuses to remove them and blame the messenger?  And God forbid that we should make a green salad with either the leaves of poison oak or poison ivy and call it healthy eating or give it to your guests at your home or church and called being “hospitable to strangers” or those you compel to come to your feast that you meet in the streets.


  14. I was just as surprised as anyone else at ALCF when Pastor Bryan suddenly left. We miss him, but we shouldn’t be speculating as to why he did because it’s gossip and un-Christian-like. My home church is not ALCF, where I attended for over 5 years, but I returned to my home church last year, after the relatively new sr. pastor there also suddenly left. I returned to support my home church during yet another transition. However, I continued to watch all of Pastor Bryan’s sermons online. He truly is a gifted preacher.

    Pastor Bryan is also intelligent and very well-read, is very articulate, and seems to have done a lot of self-examination. His Bible knowledge and spiritual depth and maturity are incredible. It was obvious to me that PB and PG (Pastor Gary) spend much time preparing each week for their sermons. They use expository preaching and often quote from books they’ve read (they are many) and use personal experiences, often with humor. Sermons are neither superficial nor elementary. They are from a deep place and a deep connection with God.

    I am a native-born Asian American was checking to see where PB might currently be because I want to continue listening to his sermons. Then, I came upon this tirade. I think Morningstar should reconcile with PB and move on.


  15. Dear Servant of God!

    Greetings in Jesus Name our Lord and savior the soon coming King.
    We are very much impressed to discover your ministry and your excellent teachings of Jesus Christ that you provide to your saints for effective and comprehensive Christian faith- based. And on behalf of our young independent Fellowship [ GETACHO CHRIST FAITH FELLOWSHIP ] , we send a prayer request to consider us of receiving your Ministry’s printable teaching materials and welcoming you to visit us as well seminar in our young fellowship & communities here in East Africa when the Lord’s right time.

    We are a small fellowship that is interesting on spreading the truth from the Holy Bible to unreachable souls who’re many again do reach house to house to pray for widows , poor in faith and needy children who’re under our fellowship also we have a small Scale farming & few chickens that supports us to meet some of the needs of those we meet. We need a spiritual leader and guidance for the Spiritual growth as it is written in the Bible.

    We do meet and share the word of God from the Holy Bible.

    Will be happy to read from you when the Lord our father allows you!


    God bless you!

    Many thanks,

    Yours in His Holy Service,
    Brother Isaac & Sister Evelyn


  16. I don’t know who you are but I would suggest this whole blog is about as helpful to the Church and people at large as a thumbtack to the eye socket. All of your criticisms of different leaders seem to be based on massive assumptions about their moral character and intentions, or they are your personal opinions that you harass leaders for not agreeing with. As was said previously, you have set yourself as the ultimate moral high ground from which you can peer down on others in condemnation.

    I see these accusations against a pastor Bryan Loritts who I do not know, but from your writings alone you do not have nearly enough evidence to make the condemnation you do. And then based on that assumption you harass another pastor in Fresno for handing things over to him. Not to mention in your criticism of the Fresno pastor you say basically “where is your medical degree to make these decisions?” when you yourself are offering criticism and I don’t see you with a medical degree.

    To anyone unfortunate enough to be reading this, don’t. This is the home of a Pharisee’s criticisms of people he doesn’t know, and it does nothing for anyone but stir up meaningless gossip that he never has to be responsible for and boost his own ego about how smart and righteous he is over these other people and pastors.

    It is a shameful thing to lob criticisms that people cannot defend and slander the names of people you do not know for the propagation of your worthless site. God will hold you accountable for every careless word you’ve spoken in arrogance, but to anyone else reading: This is just a meaningless tabloid at the checkout line. Just ignore it and walk past.


  17. I’ve spent much of the day reading your posts regarding McLean Bible Church and the sexual grooming that occurred in the Rock Ministries and am very disappointed in the church. I attended The Rock throughout middle and high school so around 2010-2018. I volunteered and was quite involved in MBC around 2015-17 and attended various Beach Weeks and winter camps. I remember the first time I volunteered in 2015 for the middle school summer camp, I didn’t have to sign anything or go through any training but in the fall of 2016 they made student and adult volunteers go through a training for an hour or two, and we had to sign something agreeing not to do anything illegal, pray for the students, etc. They most likely had a section about sexual assault but the Rock staff did not emphasize the sexual misconduct section of the booklet they gave us. They also made camp volunteers go through training starting in 2016.

    I remember seeing Scott Woods at church, but I have never heard about this case until today. I truly can’t believe how MBC covered it up as the Rock is very cliquey and gossipy and kids would tell their parents and the news would spread so quickly. I can’t believe the media hasn’t picked up on this either. I don’t think that my parents even know about this or the majority of the church body.

    I was wondering if you were going to mention Todd Peters in your blog posts because he was the youth pastor before Dale Sutherland. I think Caleb Moore joined Rock Tysons before the summer of 2017 so the sexual grooming took place under Todd Peters. Is that why Todd Peters left Rock Tysons and moved to another campus? DJ Corkey left around the same time as Todd Peters, if I remember correctly. Also, if the grooming took place in 2016 that would be under head pastor Lon Solomon, not David Platt. Why didn’t he speak up about it? Even though Caleb and Platt had to deal with the situation, it took place under different leaders who ignored it.


  18. Wondering Eagle,

    We’d like to let you know that we have listed  Wondering Eagle on  DIRECTORIA directory (for free).

    This is an excerpt of the listing:

    “One of the main reasons why I oppose celebrity pastors is for the following issue. They stunt the growth of Christians and in the long run do great harm to …”

    You can take a look at the full listing  here: —

    If you want to remove it click here:

    If you want to  make any changes, please, “claim your listing”  by clicking on widget on the right sidebar of your listing.



  19. This page comes from someone who does not know God, know the heart of God, know that humanity is broken because of free will. You cannot blame religion on God. That just doesn’t work. And the more you feed negative, the more negative you become. It becomes wired in your brain and you become more broken. Praying for you, Praying you find God and can quite bashing, lying, trying to devour people like the devil does. Yes, people have been hurt, yes, not everyone in a church is saved, yes, we are all broken and my cause pain to one another. That’s why Jesus came, because YOU are a sinner, just like everyone else. Please try to find a way to contribute to society, instead of finding people to tear down that you know nothing about.


  20. I think what happened is that both Pastor Bob and his wife were not vaccinated. Vaccination was and still is a choice for any of us. Lots of discussion over something that comes down to a medical choice. As for this WOL member, I choose to be vaccinated.


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