As my Mom’s Illness Continues I am Flying to California for the Fourth Time

I am heading back to California to help my family in this ongoing medical crisis. This is the fourth trip that I will be taking. My family is taking priority right now, as I am hoping to help get my Mom in a more stable condition. So I will be busy for the next few days. 

“However long the night, the dawn will break.”

African Proverb

This will be brief as I am packing. I purchased a plane ticket and am going back to California tomorrow afternoon. My Mom’s still in the hospital and my family is enduring the hardship. I have spoken with her on the phone. She talks about wanting to die and being in pain. Yet her vitals are good and blood pressure is normal. The sepsis is responding to the antibiotics which is good. I can’t tell you how many phone calls I am taking each day. It has been a day by day situation and I have kept asking my Dad, “Do you need me to come?” So I finally purchased a ticket and am heading back. I have been the cheerleader for my family encouraging them to be positive, and Fed Exing cards and more. My prior visits have been helpful and I am staying until (hopefully) Mom can recover enough to where she can be closer to discharge in some type of living facility, or having a home health nurse help out. 

All I want is another 5 to 10 years. I know death is inevitable but all I want is is a few more years. My grandmother had colon cancer at 76 and got through that and survived another 25 years. We are hoping my Mom can get to a stable quality of life, or a healthier place. So for the near future I will be out there and by her bedside and helping out. So I will see what happens for the next few days. I have a few posts ready to go about the Evangelical Free, one about atheism, and another about Neo-Calvinism. But my family comes first, so if I am unresponsive you know why. My family comes first. If you see this, please pray that my Mom will have another 5 to 10 years. That is my hope. Love you guys! 


11 thoughts on “As my Mom’s Illness Continues I am Flying to California for the Fourth Time

  1. Pingback: Another Open Letter to James Crestwood | Wondering Eagle

  2. Pingback: The Bridge Fresno vs. Holy Spirit Catholic Church: Who was More Pastoral? | Wondering Eagle

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