Mom is Unresponsive and now in the ER

Guys, my sister called me. My Mom was unresponsive and they had to call 9-1-1. My Mom was taken by ambulance to the ER. I am waiting to  hear more and will know more in a little bit. If you see this on Twitter or elsewhere can you please pray for my Mom to get through this? My family is in knots, and I want to spend more time with my Mom and have a few more years. Please pray that my Mom will pull through. Please pray for my sister and family. We all need peace. 

28 thoughts on “Mom is Unresponsive and now in the ER

    • Thank you Nancy this is exhausting. My family has been spending their time in the hospital and I am keeping up with it out here. I know at some point we all have to say goodbye to our parents and death is inevitable. That said, I am praying for another 10 to 15 years. That is my hope that we won’t lose my Mom now.


  1. David,
    Back in 2014, we found out that my mom is a diabetic. She probably had been for years, and her doctor just didn’t catch it. She developed cellulitis and mrsa when she was finally diagnosed. She was hospitalized in ICU in a local hospital, and then transferred to St. Thomas in Nashville, TN.
    She turned 70 in November and is now doing great.
    I know things don’t look good for your mom, but for a I’m still hoping and praying that things turn out the way that they did for my mom!

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  2. Heavenly Father, I ask that you grant David his requests, with regards to his mom and family. I pray, too, that you provide David with suitable work. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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  3. Praying.

    (And when you come up for air please tell Melody to lighten up on Dee and Deb over at The Wartburg Watch and the whole complaining about them not being political in comments. Sigh.)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fwiw my blog (link: ) is open for comments, and I’m not going to be back at TWW, so there’s not going to be any lightening up or down. Did not intend to comment anywhere this year except rarely on my own blog as appropriate, but this issue and the dynamics involved were too serious for me to be silent.

      Velour et other disgruntled folk-I believe and stand by what I said at TWW as a military spouse, a parent, a teacher, a previous student of politics/culture/history/European languages, and as an adult third culture kid of the missionary variety, having read in depth about dysfunction and narcissism to work through spiritual abuse issues, let alone as a Christian. It is simply appalling that David is being treated as a go-between, especially right now.

      We are each individually responsible for our actions, and my concerns about TWW have been brewing for some time, entirely separate to David.

      I’m not hearing that many American evangelicals are grasping the level of stress this evangelical betrayal has put people like me under personally. This divisiveness and silence/silencing needs to be addressed honestly, instead of flipped back on the messengers. Like I said, I have a comment section; go direct to me, don’t put David in it for my actions. It shouldn’t be his problem at all.

      I came on here to check if there was any news, and now in light of the above comment to reiterate that I’m sorry things have all come at once for you, David. I respect your courage and willingness to discuss the hard questions. You have given me hope on many occasions. Know we all love you, hurt with you, and are praying for you and your whole family. Hoping today is a better day.


      • Hi Melody,

        I know you hold your views dearly. I have lived and worked in the United Kingdom as well and am from an international and educated family. That said, our narratives aren’t the only ones. You’ve been really angry at dear people who simply practiced their right to vote about issues that were important to them. That’s ok. It’s a free country. My grandmother worked on getting people the right to vote.

        You posted on The Wartburg Watch that you were there to complain because of David/Eagle. OK, you brought it up, Melody, no one else. You leveled it at David and his blog. Does he know that?


  4. Might I suggest that the comment thread concerning Eagle’s family’s health issues is not the best venue for your discussion? I think Eagle has enough stress going on in this thread from personal concerns without bringing in outside internet issues. Perhaps one of the music threads, they’re not usually heavily commented on and Eagle is an outstanding host for allowing discussion of varying views on his site, I’m sure he’d be fine with it.

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